Ep164- Canções originais e suas versões: Till there was you
Neste primeiro episódio do programa CANÇÕES ORIGINAIS & SUAS VERSÕES do canal Semônica, trazemos o podcast sobre a canção “Till there was you” com sua gravação original e destacadas versões.
Créditos musicais e outros
Till the was you (Merdith Wilson), com Irl Sinatra/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com The Beatles/ “Till I met you” (Meredith Wilson) com Eileen Wilson e Meredith Wilson and His Orchestra/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Sue Raney e Sua Orquestra/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Anita Brayant/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Shirley Jones/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Etta Jones/ Quando te vi (Till there was you) (Meredith Wilson, Ronaldo Bastos), com Beto Guedes/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Ray Charles/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Laura Figy/ Fontes consultadas: discogs.com.br; deezer.com; songhall.org; filmow.com; pesquisa histórica, musical, texto e voz por Nando Cury
Till the was you (Merdith Wilson), com Irl Sinatra/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com The Beatles/ “Till I met you” (Meredith Wilson) com Eileen Wilson e Meredith Wilson and His Orchestra/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Sue Raney e Sua Orquestra/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Anita Brayant/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Shirley Jones/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Etta Jones/ Quando te vi (Till there was you) (Meredith Wilson, Ronaldo Bastos), com Beto Guedes/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Ray Charles/ Till there was you (Meredith Wilson), com Laura Figy/ Fontes consultadas: discogs.com.br; deezer.com; songhall.org; filmow.com; pesquisa histórica, musical, texto e voz por Nando Cury